This edited collection from a New Zealand perspective makes an important contribution to understanding the complex issues involved in working with ethnic minority groups and indigenous First Nation people. Whist it draws on New Zealand and Australian case material, the themes and debates addressed in the book are relevant to all social workers. This is a text I will be drawing on in my teaching of social work interventions on an undergraduate social work degree programme, as it demonstrates in a clearly written and powerful way how social work theories and methods can be applied in practice settings in the promotion of anti-oppressive social work practice.
- British Journal of Social Work,
This is a book I would recommend for anyone wanting to explore a range of theoretical issues and their implications for practice.
- Community Care,
Written by experts in social work, the book recognises the importance of drawing on the strengths of families, individuals and communities and offers theoretical perspectives that can be applied in every day work situations. It is essential reading for social and community workers, mental health professionals and social work students'.
- Educational Book Review,