This book is a tour de force of the theory and practice of social development and how to make a difference in an increasingly inequitable world. It strongly advances the emerging field of social development. Midgley reviews the historical, theoretical and philosophical ideas that underpin the social development approach and a set of social interventions that are widely advocated to promote both micro and macro social change. It is highly recommended for development scholars and practitioners around the world.
- Leila Patel,
<p>James Midgley has produced a landmark book which for the first time comprehensively defines and draws out the conceptual and practical dimensions of this elusive notion of ‘social development’. He underlines the profound significance of social development as an essential prerequisite for promoting balanced societal progress and human welfare. </p>
- Anthony Hall,
<p>This is by far the most important book on the theory and practice of social development. It deals with one of the least researched domains in contemporary social policy – the relationship between social policy and economic policy. A penetrating analysis and a powerful call for a reorientation of social policy studies.</p>
- James Lee,
The Global South and North are increasingly aware of commonalities in their social development agenda. Midgley′s up-to-date textbook covers all the essential issues recently highlighted, illustrates new thinking with wide-ranging cases and provides theoretical and historical insights into contemporary world poverty and development
- Professor Mitsuhiko Hosaka,
...This is an important book that adds significantly to social development theory and practice. It provides excellent background for rethinking social development, the priority theme for the United Nations Commission for Social Development 2015-2016. James Midgley has once again enriched the social development knowledge base and produced a book that is a ′must read′ for scholars, students, and practitioners in the field of development.
- Lynne M Healy, School of Social Work, University of Connecticut,
This book is a milestone in affirming the sincere commitment to achieve social development at household, national, regional and international levels. The overall impression of the book fills the reader with optimism that despite many challenges, progress has been made in that social development is now recognised as a distinctive approach for promoting social wellbeing, not only in the developing but also in the Western world... In all, the book succeeds in providing a convincing intellectual foundation for social development practice.
- Professor Antoinette Lombard, University of Pretoria,
The book gives examples from around the world, a useful glossary, and an extensive bibliography. It provides lucid and challenging reading for policy makers, development practitioners, development courses at any level of higher education, missionaries, and those preparing to serve in social ministry.
- Paul R. Dekar,
Walking through social development’s key theoretical principles and practice strategies, this book shows how it promotes peoples’ wellbeing not only in the Global South, where it first emerged, but in the Western countries as well. It covers:
- Definitions and an historical evolution of social development
- Key theoretical debates around social well-being, human rights and social justice
- Social development practice such as human capital interventions, community development and cooperatives, asset building, employment creation policies and programmes, microenterprises and social planning among others
- Future challenges; global poverty, international aid and trade, and global inequality, conflict and injustice.
Complete with international examples drawn from around the world, Social Development: Theory and Practice demonstrates how social development theory translates into practical application.
This book is essential reading for students in development studies, social policy, public administration and social work, and for policymakers and development practitioners everywhere.
James Midgley is the Harry and Riva Specht Professor of Public Social Services at the School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley.