"... a most valuable sourcebook for anyone working on the problems of poverty and social exclusion." International Sociology "... daunting complexity is brilliantly managed by first-rate editing and teamwork. One can only guess what price was paid in terms of stressful relationships, but the result is excellent. ... this book shows it is possible to find important themes for comparison; to seek explanations for the differences in a disciplined way; to make the evidence locally specific without getting lost in detail; and to draw out general concepts, which will inform further discussion and eventually may even help to create more equitable services." European Journal of Social Work "... a remarkable piece of academic work. It provides, combines and analyses data from a variety of sources in a way that is rarely seen in comparative projects: historical data, in-depth qualitative interviews with recipients of social assistance, detailed information at the local and country level and lastly data on social assistance dynamics from eight cities in five European countries. The book is so rich, in methodological approaches, in data, in interpretations and theoretical insights, that a short review can hardly pay it full justice." International Journal of Social Welfare "... essential reading for anyone interested in the reform of tax and benefits." Citizen's Income Newsletter "... an original contribution to the understanding of comparative social assistance." Stewart Miller, Honorary Lecturer in Social Policy, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent at Canterbury