"School Rampage Shootings and Other Youth Disturbances will be a turning point in efforts to offset, control, eliminate, and prevent school violence. Kathy Nader has once again led the way in understanding and helping traumatized children and, equally importantly, heading off rampage shootings." - Charles R. Figley, Tulane University, Louisiana, USA, and coeditor of Combat Stress Injury: Theory, Research, and Management
"This wise, practical, and helpful book will support school leaders promoting the safe and civil schools that are the foundation for student learning and positive youth development. This volume synthesizes recent risk-prevention and health-promotion research and best practices. It also includes practical suggestions and that will be of great interest to K–12 building, district, and state leaders." - Jonathan Cohen, President, National School Climate Center and Columbia University, New York, USA
"This is a terrific book. In a field rife with oversimplification and facile solutions, School Rampage Shootings and Other Youth Disturbances is a comprehensive examination of youth violence that synthesizes a voluminous literature from developmental and social-ecological perspectives. A formidable team of experts has contributed chapters on the role of untreated trauma, insecure attachment, and peer victimization as risk factors for violence. These are complemented by chapters on the protective value of prevention programs designed to establish a supportive school climate, reduce bullying, and facilitate socio-emotional development." - Dewey Cornell, University of Virginia, USA
Biographical note
Formerly director of evaluations for UCLA’s childhood trauma and sudden bereavement program, since 1978, Kathleen Nader, DSW, has been a director of Two Suns Childhood Trauma Program, Texas, USA. She is an internationally recognized expert on child trauma and posttraumatic stress and is the author of Understanding and Assessing Trauma in Children and Adolescents: Measures, Methods, and Youth in Context (Routledge, 2008).