Eminently bingeable, religiously fact-checked and seductively globetrotting . . . A preternaturally attentive reporter at work.
A new book by Keefe means <b>drop everything and close the blinds</b>; you’ll be turning pages for hours . . . <b>Highly entertaining</b>’
Los Angeles Times
Keefe follows his award-winning opus with a collection of 12 pen portraits . . . that are no less compelling for being sketched on a smaller canvas.
Financial Times ‘Best Summer Books of 2022’
Reflects the collective preoccupations of the unsettling era in which we now live:<b> </b>mass shootings and terrorism, mental health issues, and the many flavors of financial corruption . . . <b>Keefe is a virtuoso storyteller</b>, able to create suspense with his descriptions of how these crimes unfolded.
Washington Post
<b>Each [piece] could be a book in its own right</b> . . . [Keefe] has an eye for the smallest detail that reveals something big.
Sunday Times
A wonderful book, not only because Keefe's prose is masterful, but because he has a preternatural gift for reading people.
National Public Radio
Wall Street Journal
One of the finest non-fiction writers of his generation
Toronto Star
A king of contemporary nonfiction
Entertainment Weekly
Iconic . . . Keefe delivers masterpieces
Oprah Daily
I read everything he writes. Every time he writes a book, I read it. Every time he writes an article, I read it . . . he’s a national treasure.
- Rachel Maddow,