A well written memoir and expose of life inside a privately owned correctional facility. The author does an excellent job at depicting what it is really like inside and the dangerous and harrowing experience for individuals incarcerated in these types of environments.
- Jeffrey Ian Ross, co-author of Convict Criminology,
Something changed in me. The flame was going out. After about twenty years of doing time, I felt like I did when I first came to prison: afraid, mean, not caring about others. I don't know if I hated them more, or myself for letting them change me.
Prison, Inc.
This is the story of what happens when politicians 'out source' their state prisoners to corporations. Convicts become commodities incarcerated in overcrowded private facilities with few programs and staff. Like & boot camps, & three strikes, and so called & truth in sentencing, private prisons are another expensive failure. Meanwhile, the prisoners live day-to-day wondering what new nightmare they will have to endure.
- Stephen C. Richards,co-author of Behind Bars: Surviving Prison,
It helps fill in the eclipse of prison ethnography in the current age of mass incarceration . . . It should be in every library in the United States.
Criminal Justice Review