"... a very useful and reflective book." Journal of Education and Work "The Learning Society and People With Learning Difficulties is a joy to read. It combines theoretical and policy analysis within a framework that is informed by a broad political awarness." Widening Particioation and Lifelong Learning "... a valuable contribution to wider debates about achieving social inclusion for disabled people ... I expect this text to offer much food for thought to policy makers and practitioners alike." Studies in the Education of Adults "The Learning Society and people with learning difficulties is a joy to read. It combines theoretical and policy analysis within a framework that is informed by a broad political awareness." Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning "Work in this field as applied to lifelong learning and disability is sadly lacking. This book addresses the gap in current literature. It is both theoretically innovative and empirically well-grounded, and accessible to a wide audience of academics, students, practitioners and policy makers." Mike Flude, Director, Postgraduate Programme, Open University