Biographical note
Oscar I. Cortes-Perez is a Forensic Victimologist and tertiary education professor in areas of Criminology, Victimology, and Social and Behavioral Forensic Sciences. He holds a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (Honorable Mention) and a Master’s in Forensic Sciences and Victimology from the Autonomous University of Durango Campus Zacatecas. He did internships at the Attorney General's Office of San Luis Potosi and at the Attorney General's Office of Mexico, performing forensic investigation duties.
He has worked forensic cases related to Child Sexual Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence along with the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for the Attention of Women, Family, and Sexual Crimes in San Luis Potosí. He was part of the Child and Adolescent Agenda of the Autonomous University of Yucatan and the Government of the State of Yucatan (Mexico) as a consultant expert in the strategic line “Best Practices in Justice”. Member of the Mexican Society of Criminology, and the World Society of Victimology.