... remarkable book ... Mr Alesina and Mr Glaeser, both Harvard economists, are doing what the best in their profession do well these days: seeking to explain society not merely with conventional economic tools but with
analysis of institutions, geography and social behaviour.
The Economist 12 March 2004
In what ways, and why, are the United States and Europe so far apart in social policy? Alesina and Glaeser give us as definitive an answer to this fundamental question as we shall ever see.
George A. Akerlof, Nobel Prize Laureate
This probing of the forces behind 'American exceptionalism', as measured by a much smaller welfare state than in Europe, is immensely important. The authors take a multi-discipline approach and consider many factors, including narrowly economic variables, political institutions, racial and ethnic diversity, the effects of wars, attitudes toward the
poor, and still others. Their findings are sometimes surprising and frequently provocative. This monograph will
quickly become the foundation of further literature on a subject of enormous significance.
Gary S. Becker, Nobel Prize Laureate