"Nicole Rafter, Chad Posick, and Michael Rocque impressively document the genealogy of biological ideas in criminology. They show that criminology must take new biological ideas seriously and contextualize sociologically both the ideas and the phenomena in which biologists engage. Publication of this second expanded edition indicates that The Criminal Brain is receiving the attention it deserves."
- Joachim J. Savelsberg,author, Representing Mass Violence: Conflicting Responses to Human Rights Violations in Darfur,
"Rafter, Posick, and Rocque painstakingly document the flaws of early attempts to theorize crime from a biological perspective. By putting a nail in the coffin of the Lombrosoian legacy, they show the humanistic value and promise of the contemporary biosocial criminology paradigm. The Criminal Brain, Second Edition is required reading for all criminologists, biosocial or otherwise."
- Matt DeLisi,co-editor, The Routledge International Handbook of Biosocial Criminology,
Biographical note
Nicole Rafter (Author)
Nicole Rafter was Professor Emeritus of Criminology at Northeastern University. Her publications include The Crime of All Crimes: Toward a Criminology of Genocide, The Criminal Brain: Understanding Biological Theories of Crime, and, with Michelle Brown, Criminology Goes to the Movies. In 2009, Rafter was awarded the Sutherland Award by the American Society of Criminology
for outstanding contributions to the discipline.
Chad Posick (Author)
Chad Posick is Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University.
Michael Rocque (Author)
Michael Rocque is Assistant Professor in the Bates Department of Sociology and the Senior Research Advisor for the Maine Department of Corrections.