""The Battle for Veterans’ Healthcare should be required reading for the Trump Administration, members of Congress, and anyone concerned about the fate of the Veterans Health Administration."—Garry Augustine, Washington Executive Director of Disabled American Veterans"
""The Battle for Veterans’ Healthcare explains why the VHA’s many specialized services should be strengthened and expanded."—Michael Blecker, Executive Director of Swords to Plowshares and member of VA Commission on Care"
""Suzanne Gordon skillfully rebuts the arguments of would-be privatizers, who are trying to discredit and then divert public funding from health care providers who actually care about their patients."—Phillip Longman, author of Best Care Anywhere: Why VA Health Care Is Better than Yours"
Biographical note
Suzanne Gordon is coeditor of the Cornell University Press series The Culture and Politics of Health Care Work and was program leader of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation–funded Nurse Manager in Action Program. She is the author of Nursing against the Odds and The Battle for Veterans' Healthcare; coauthor of From Silence to Voice, Life Support, Safety in Numbers, Beyond the Checklist, and Bedside Manners; editor of When Chicken Soup Isn't Enough; and coeditor of The Complexities of Care, First, Do Less Harm, and Collaborative Caring, all from Cornell.