Biographical note
David Weisburd is a leading researcher and scholar in criminology and criminal justice. He is Distinguished Professor of Criminology, Law and Society at George Mason University in Virginia and Walter E. Meyer Professor of Law and Criminal Justice at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Professor Weisburd has received many awards and prizes for his contributions to criminology and criminal justice including the Stockholm Prize in
Criminology and the Sutherland and Vollmer Awards from the American Society of Criminology.
Chester Britt was a leading researcher and scholar in the field of criminology. During his career, he taught at a number of universities and led departments at Northeastern University, Arizona State University, and the
University of Iowa. His research addressed theories of criminal behavior and victimization, demography of crime and criminal careers, criminal justice decision-making, and quantitative research methods.
David B. Wilson is a Professorin the Criminology, Law and Society Department at George Mason University in Virginia. He is a social psychologist and leading applied statistician in the field of criminology, and was the
recipient of the Mosteller Award from the Campbell Collaboration for his contributions to the science of systematic review and meta-analysis.
Alese Wooditch is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Temple University. She received her PhD from George Mason University. Professor Wooditch is interested in innovative spatial statistical analyses in the area of criminology and criminal justice experimental and computational criminology, and quantitative methodological issues.