<i>’This volume offers an original and thought-provoking analysis of the impact of climate change across international law. The book convincingly shows how the legal regulation of climate change has affected the content and structure of international law as a whole. A must-read for everyone interested in current challenges to international law.</i>
- Wouter G. Werner, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
<i>’The sheer complexity and magnitude of the challenges ahead as related to mitigating and adapting to climate change are intimidating yet the authors in </i>International Law in the Era of Climate Change<i> provide a rich, insightful, timely and multidisciplinary roadmap that can be used to understand not only the current solutions but also the need for greater progress in the development and evolution of international law, whether incrementally or substantially, to ensure greater peace and security in a climate-changed world.’</i>
- Avnita Lakhani, City University of Hong Kong,
<i>’UN Secretary-General Ban-Khi Moon has called Climate Change 'the defining issue of our era'. It presents international law and lawyers with a wide range of novel issues, practical as well as conceptual. These challenges are addressed in this volume with great authority by many of the leading international law scholars of our generation. It is an important and distinctive contribution to the burgeoning literature on an issue critical for the future of our planet.’</i>
- David Freestone, George Washington University,