Mark Gibney continues to be a passionate and compassionate advocate of the universality of human rights law. This second edition of International Human Rights Law presents updated material and arguments for taking seriously extraterritorial human rights obligations. Gibney grounds himself in interesting legal cases to argue that states, transnational corporations, and international organizations are responsible to remedy human rights violations, wherever they occur. His clear, accessible language will make this book, like the first edition, popular among students and others who are frustrated with the inattention of domestic and international law to extraterritorial abuses of human rights.
- Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann, Wilfrid Laurier University,
It is very good to have a second edition of Mark Gibney’s fine book about universal human rights in legal form. Readers will be able to take an informed position on whether serious attention to the international law of human rights as he presents it is a utopian dream or a pressing necessity in today’s world.
- David P. Forsythe, emeritus, University of Nebraska–Lincoln,