<i>‘</i>International Environmental Law: Text, Cases and Materials<i> by Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Meagan S. Wong and Joseph Crampin provides the perfect teaching tool for international environmental law. The breadth of topics covered and the excellent content of its substance makes this an essential source for students, practitioners and all interested in international environmental law.’</i>
- Dr Nilüfer Oral, Director, NUS Centre for International Law and Member, International Law Commission,
<i>‘</i>International Environmental Law: Text, Cases and Materials<i> is a long overdue book in the academic and practitioners’ world. Three distinguished jurists present a comprehensive publication covering the main areas of interest for all persons wishing to learn about the role and place of International Law in environmental discussions, negotiations and regimes’ setting. The legal elements influencing and shaping the treatment of the marine environment, the protection of the atmosphere and climate change, among other subjects, are presented in a well-structured and clear manner. Experts, practitioners, students, and professors from different backgrounds, will be pleased to use this book as a reference in their working activities and will find in it a source of inspiration. Spanning from principles and approaches to the multiple relationships with other branches of international law in the field of trade and armed conflicts, this book reflects the fertile process of affirmation and development of international law in our contemporary world.’</i>
<i>‘A wonderfully accessible and necessary collection of essential materials in one of the most vital and dynamic fields of international law – this fine and intelligent editorial exercise will be of great utility to students, scholars and practitioners, a reminder of the vibrancy and depth of our efforts to protect our environment, and the challenges along the paths yet to be travelled.’</i>
- Professor Philippe Sands QC, University College London, UK,