<i>'This Handbook makes a creative and considered contribution towards this important topic. It provides a well-balanced mix of chapters from scholars and practitioners on issues that we must better understand if we are to successfully tackle these serious transnational environmental crimes. I warmly congratulate the editors and authors for focusing on these critical and contemporary questions, including the criminal networks involved, pervasive impact of corruption, criminal justice responses and exemplary collaborative initiatives, such as ICCWC. This timely publication will help to further shape our responses and assist us to better combat these highly destructive crimes.'</i> <br /> --John E. Scanlon, CITES Secretary-General<p><i>'This timely and very comprehensive book sheds light into the shadowy areas of environmental policy that we have neglected for too long: transnational environmental crime, ranging from illegal trade in timber and wildlife to criminal use of ozone-depleting substances, illegal fishing and novel ''carbon crimes'' around emissions trading. The </i>Handbook of Transnational Environmental Crime<i>, superbly edited by Elliott and Schaedla, combines insightful conceptual chapters with in-depth empirical research and practitioner contributions. The book is essential reading not only for scholars of environmental governance but also for criminologists, conservationists, regulators and other practitioners.'</i> <br /> --Frank Biermann, Utrecht University, the Netherlands</p><p><i>'This extensive work beautifully covers all major transnational environmental crimes and efforts to combat these crimes, from a broad perspective. It stands out for incorporating chapters written by leading green criminologists but also by policy makers and members of the enforcement community. It is truly a handbook of great value to the increasing number of academics, practitioners and students who are interested in environmental crimes and green criminology.'</i> <br /> --Toine Spapens, Tilburg University, the Netherlands</p>