No sane person doubts that the law has been historically constructed by men and that gender equality in the law is an ongoing struggle. It's a mark, nevertheless of how well the struggle has been conducted that a series of workshops has now culminated in this highly original enterprise: a volume of leading judgments of the courts of England and Wales recast as a feminist judge might have written them. The Rt. Hon. Sir Stephen Sedley The Association of Women Barristers Website What's unique about Feminist Judgments is that it does not merely criticise self-proclaimed feminist judges for not being feminist enough. It actually provides the missing judgments that the authors think a feminist judge might have written in more than 20 leading cases from England and Wales. Crucially, the authors have attempted to write rulings based in the law at the times each case was heard. Joshua Rozenberg Law Society Gazette October 28th 2010 Within each of the chapters on the cases themselves, there is a commentary giving basic facts and important information to establish the foundations of the issues and to discuss why the case is significant. The commentary is extremely helpful, as no user is likely to be an expert in all the areas under consideration. Penetrating analysis, with a full, detailed but clear exposition that leaves few stones unturned. Penny Booth Times Higher Education 4 November 2010 To this editor's knowledge, no similar undertaking has been attempted. Even if there were a number of them, they would not likely compare favorably to this adept method of sensibly rewriting judicial history. American Society of International Law Newsletter January 2011