Contents: Introduction, Ralf Rogowski; Part I Transitional Labour Markets and the European Social Model: The European social model and law and policy of transitional labour markets in the European Union, Ralf Rogowski; Sharing risks: on social risk management and the governance of labour market transitions, Günther Schmid. Part II The European Employment Strategy and Transitional Labour Markets: Research in transitional labour markets: implications for the European employment strategy, Axel van den Berg and Erik de Gier; The European employment strategy, macroeconomic policies, institutional regimes and transitional labour markets, Bernard Gazier and Arnaud Lechevalier; Temporary agency working and the European employment strategy, Patricia Leighton; Employability through covenants: taking external effects seriously, Ton Korver and Peter R.A. Oeij; Social Europe and the limits of soft law: the example of flexicurity, Jean-Claude Barbier. Part III National Transitional Labour Market Policies in Europe: Transitional labour market and flexicurity arrangements in Denmark: what can Europe learn?, Thomas Bredgaard, Flemming Larsen and Per Kongshøj Madsen; Making work pay and social security reform in the Netherlands, G.J.A. Nekkers, W.B Roorda and J.H.L. van der Waart; Making work pay, making transitions flexible: the case of Belgium in a comparative perspective, Lieve de Lathouwer; The Franch basic income (RMI) and transitional markets: one national policy, many local realities, Jacques Bouchoux, Yvette Houzel and Jean-Luc Outin. Part IV Transitional Labour Market Policies in Comparative and International Perspectives: Balancing labour market mobility and employment security across European welfare regimes, Ruud Muffels; Labour market institutions and the European social model in a globalizing world, Peter Auer; Index.
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