<i>‘The collection is a valuable resource of historical and comparative analysis - well written and most enjoyable also because of the authors’ colourful style and language. It is highly recommended not only to IP scholars and policymakers but also, and particularly, to practitioners in the EU and beyond.’</i>
- Henning Hartwig, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice,
<i>‘This edited volume is a rare and valuable contribution to the understanding of a subject that both intellectual property scholars and practitioners would be advised to better understand.’</i>
- Benjamin Farrnd, Common Market Law Review,
<i>‘While </i>The EU Design Approach<i> is primarily aimed at a European audience and provides a well written, informative and comprehensive discussion of EU design law, local readers particularly those involved in research and policy development should find this a valuable resource . . . to the extent that they are all brought together in a single package perhaps it is unique.’</i>
- Raymond Hind, Intellectual Property Forum: the journal of The Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand,
<i>‘This book is valuable both for the inexperienced and for the experts. Despite being written by many authors, it manages to be a cohesive piece of scholarship, critically explaining the current law and proposing a way forward. It is a recommended reading for anyone dealing with design law.’</i>
- Nuno Sousa e Silva, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice,