List of Figures and Table, List of Contributors, Acknowledgement, List of Abbreviations, INTRODUCTION, 1 Introduction, PARTI: BIOETHICS, 2 Therapeutic and Reproductive Cloning – A Scientific Perspective, 3 Stem Cells, Patents and Ethics, 4 Recent Issues in Assisted Reproduction: Evolutions in Science, Law and Ethics, 5 Why do Research on Human Brains?, 6 Bioethics in Europe, 7 A Penny for Your Thoughts - Ethics in Sponsored Research, 8 Ethical Issues in Evidence-Based Medicine, 9 Health Economics and Access to Treatment, 10 Clinical Ethics Committees in Europe: Assistance in Medical Decisions, Fora for Democratic Debates or Bodies to Monitor Basic Rights?, 11 Human Dignity and the UNESCO Declaration on the Human Genome, PART II: ETHICS AND SOCIETY, 12 Theft of DNA: Do We Need a New Criminal Offence?, 13 Environmental Ethics, Environmental Problems and the Ethics of Science, 14 Ecological Modernisation and the Precautionary Principle, 15 Agri-Culture: Some Principles and Lessons for Sustainability, 16 Applying the Notion of Sustainability – Dilemmas and the Need for Dialogue, 17 GM Resistant: Europe and the WTO Panel Dispute on Biotech Products, 18 Food Ethics, 19 The Ethics of Journalism: A Summing-up for Lord Hutton, 20 In Search of Ethical Business Leadership: Time to Mix Our Metaphors?, 21 Only Connect - Broadband Provision and Social Inclusion, PART III: HUMAN RIGHTS, 22 Human Rights - What Hope? Human Dignity - What Scope?, 23 Harmonising Human Rights in Europe, 24 Ugly, Deformed and Grubby: The Common Law and Human Rights, 25 Holding Multinational Corporations Accountable for Breaches of Human Rights, PART IV: COMMENTARIES, 26 The Health Professional and the Dying Patient, 27 Legitimate Authority, Just Cause, and the Decision to Invade Iraq, 28 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) - An Odd New Challenge, 29 Designing Donors, 30 Separating Conjoined Twins: The Case of Ladan and Laleh Bijani, 31 Brain Research and Neuroethics, 32 Who has the Right to Determine the Fate of their Embryos?, 33 Internet Governance, Index
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