<i>‘</i>The Development of the Law of the Sea Convention<i> represents a collective effort in filling the gap left in academic discussion. This book offers an in-depth appraisal of the impacts and contributions of international courts and tribunals to the development of UNCLOS since its entry into force in 1994. The book is timely, authoritative and thought- provoking. It will be of great interest to a wider readership, not only scholars and students working in the fields of public international law and the law of the sea, but also practitioners and relevant international organizations and institutions.’</i>
- Zhiguo Gao, Ocean Yearbook,
<i>'The contribution of international courts to aspects of the law of the sea other than maritime delimitation is rarely studied. The present volume fills this lacuna, illustrating how judges and arbitrators have shaped the law and interpreted often ambiguous provisions of UNCLOS in important and controversial fields such as fisheries, islands, deep seabed mining, the ''genuine link'', hot pursuit, and historic rights. This fine work by an international team of experts throws light on topical issues of the law of the sea and on the role of international judges and arbitrators.'</i><br /> --Tullio Treves, Former Judge, The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea