<i>'The chapters are well-written and thoroughly grounded, and cover a range of issues and topics. . . The introduction, by Ruth Towse, offers a good introduction to the concept of copyright, as well as outlining the remaining chapters. . . this is an excellent collection of papers on the issues confronting copyright in the cultural industries. . . This book should be required reading for all copyright policymakers, and is highly recommended for media managers and scholars who will be examining or having to deal with an increasingly problematic copyright structure.'</i>
- Benjamin J. Bates, The International Journal on Media Management,
<i>'The editor Ruth Towse is to be commended both for the careful editing of the papers and the excellent introduction which both introduces the subject of copyright and summarises the papers presented.'</i>
- Simon Stokes, European Intellectual Property Review,
<i>'Lawyers who are interested in looking beyond the law as it is, to see how economists are questioning copyright systems as they respond to technological change, are sure to find something of interest in this collection.'</i>
- David Lewisohn, Entertainment Law Review,
<i>'. . . this collection of essays is soundly written and impressively backed up by references to source materials. It provides some stimulating reading.'</i>
- Kevin Garnett QC, Copyright World Magazine,