<p><b>...this collected volume contains an excellent overview of copyright in relation to electronic content and will appeal primarily to librarians with responsibility for this type of content and for those responsible for managing e-learning.</b></p>
- Andrew Eynon, Journal of Information Literacy
<p><b>Jane & Chris have done a great job in pulling together a lot of information covering a range of practical issues, and managed to pitch it at both those with some knowledge, and those without, and position it within a valuable dialogue of competing views on how content should be respected and be useful.</b></p>
The IP Kat
<p><b>I found myself nodding in agreement so often while reading this book that people watching me must have thought I was reading a gripping novel. The advice is always sensible, authoritative and clearly articulated. The lists of resources to consider using, scattered throughout the book, are always helpful and authoritative. The overall style is positive. The remarks about risk management are excellent. </b></p>
- Charles Oppenheim, European Intellectual Property Review
<p><b>Facet Publishing produces many of the authoritative texts on copyright and this book slots neatly amongst its counterparts, providing a useful overview of the most pertinent copyright issues in education.</b></p>
- Emily Stannard, LSE Review of Books
Biographical note
Jane Secker (B.A., Ph.D., PGCertHE, FHEA) is Copyright and Digital and Literacy Advisor at LSE, where she has responsibility for the digital literacy programme for staff and PhD students. She also advises staff about copyright issues particularly related to their use of digital resources and e-learning. She has published widely and led several externally funded projects, most recently being project manager for the DELILA (Developing Educators Learning and Information Literacies for Accreditation) funded by JISC and the Higher Education Academy to release digital and information literacy materials and open educational resources. She is the editor of Rethinking Information Literacy: A practical framework for supporting learning. Chris Morrison (B.A. Hons., MAUA, PGDip) is the Copyright and Licensing Compliance Officer at the University of Kent, responsible for copyright policy, licences, training and advice. He was previously the Copyright Assurance Manager at the British Library and before that worked for music collecting society PRS for Music. He is a member of the Universities UK / Guild HE Copyright Working Group on whose behalf he also attends the Education Licensing Working Group (ELWG). He is currently collaborating with Jane Secker on a number of copyright literacy projects and is the creator of Copyright the Card Game.