<p><strong>'We must treat climate as a security issue, the most important threat to global security we will ever face. Energy is at the heart of this transition. Climate security and energy security are two sides of the same coin: one cannot be achieved without the other. This book is an important contribution to exploring this vital part of the environmental security agenda.'</strong> – <em>Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the Rio and Stockholm UN Conferences</em> </p><p><strong>'Climate and energy are two of the most urgent and formidable issues of our times. This seminal text comprehensively details our challenges and explains the ways in which they are inextricably linked to human rights and environmental stewardship.'</strong> – P<em>. Simran Sethi, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communcations, University of Kansas and Founding Writer/ Co-Host of Sundance Channel's environmental programming 'The Green'</em> </p><p><strong>'Should the massive stimulus packages mobilized by governments manage to revive somewhat the financial flows within and between countries, it would be quite disastrous for those who control the global economy to assume that business can simply limp back to its old ways. Even if the financial crisis were to be resolved so easily, the other crises - growing poverty, changing climate, depleting resources, vanishing species and peaking energy among them - will throw up another, redoubled financial crisis soon enough. The destruction of our land and ocean ecosystems over the past century with all its consequences for the energy, water and livelihood security of the world's people can only be halted if we understand and deal with the deeper, underlying systemic issues - which are the subject of this extremely important and timely book.'</strong> – <em>Ashok Khosla, Chairman, Development Alternatives and President, IUCN and the Club of Rome </em></p><p><strong>'There are many important chapters that make this an important book and one that should be used by those who teach in these issues and read by those who are responsible for addressing the challenges of peace, security and development' – </strong><em>Michael Bradshaw, University of Leicester</em></p>
Biographical note
Felix Dodds is the Executive Director of Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future. He has been active at the UN since 1990 attending the World Summits Rio, Habitat II, Rio+5, Beijing+5, Copenhagen+5, World Summit on Sustainable Development, World Summit 2005. He has also been to all the UN Commissions for Sustainable Development and UNEP Governing Council.
Andrew Higham is a leading Australian advisor in sustainability, climate change, marine and water policy. He co-authored the Western Australian State Sustainability Strategy and 1998 State of the Environment Report, and has led or contributed to a wide range of Government policies, strategies, taskforces and reports.
Richard Sherman serves as the Programme Manager for IISD RS's Africa Regional Coverage Project. He was a former team leader and writer from 2002-2005. In addition, Richard works as a consultant to Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future and the South African Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism with a particular focus on institutional reform and global governance.