<p>Hazel Reid has produced an authoritative and timely review of careers education and guidance counselling – pulling together several strands of new knowledge and understanding in a style that is well-balanced and easily accessible.</p>
- Michelle Stewart,
<p>Teasing out the similarities and differences between the two activities of career counselling and career coaching is a bold, and welcome, step.</p>
- Jenny Bimrose,
<p>This book is highly engaging and well written – it will meet the needs of both practitioners and trainees at a time when the field of career counselling and coaching is becoming increasingly dynamic.</p>
- Steve Sheward,
The author has embarked on fulfilling an ambitious brief, and produced a useful practical introductory handbook. Theory and practice are interwoven throughout, in a way that will make sense to both the novice and the more experienced reader, whether they describe themselves as career coaches, career advisers, careers guidance professionals or career consultants. A number of useful models are clearly presented and the chapters dealing on practical skills and approaches will be particularly helpful to trainees in the field
- John Kirwan,
A useful introduction to career counselling and coaching, particularly for its explanations of important theories and for those studying the subject as an academic discipline. The book’s clear and authoritative explanations, particularly the theories and narrative approaches, give students the core comprehensive introduction that the book aims for.
- Ian McIntosh,