"A terrific study with real mathematical depth."<b>--<i>New Yorker</i></b><br />"Rucker leads his readers through these mental gymnastics in an easy, informal way."<b>--<i>San Francisco Chronicle</i></b><br />"<i>Infinity and the Mind</i> is funny, provocative, entertaining, and profound."<b>--Joseph Shipman, <i>Journal of Symbolic Logic</i></b><br />"Attempts to put G del's theorems into sharper focus, or at least to explain them to the nonspecialist, abound. My personal favorite is Rudy Rucker's <i>Infinity and the Mind, </i> which I recommend without reservation."<b>--Craig Smorynski, <i>American Mathematical Monthly</i></b><br />"Informal, amusing, witty, profound. . . . In an extraordinary burst of creative energy, Rudy Rucker has managed to bring together every aspect of mathematical infinity."<b>--Martin Gardner</b>