A sulphurous mixture of ferocious violence and high-flown philosophy. * Prospect *<br />A mixture of thin-lipped Chandleresque backchat and of idioms more icily subversive. * Observer *<br />Deadbeat, downbeat but thoroughly believable, and evoked with the scary precision of a scalpel slicing through flesh... extreme, but like nothing else you'll ever read -- Richard Rayner * Los Angeles Times *<br />I cannot think of another writer so obsessed with the skull beneath the skin. * The Times *<br />Raymond writes with a stomach-churning exactness about murder, madness and mutilation. * The Times *<br />If you think of the act of writing as a game of chicken between the author and his talent, then Derek Raymond is one author who achieves his ecstasy by sailing off cliffs. Everything about I Was Dora Suarez shrieks of the joy and pain of going too far. * New York Times *