Title mention in Women in Ministry, October 2009
Review in Theologische Literaturzeitung 35, 2010
Mention -Book News, February 2009
"This substantial volume of essays ... [and their] deliberations ... offer a 'state of the art overview of women in ministry at the beginning of the 21st century' ... All its chapters are both accessible and informative..." - John Drane, Theological Book Review, Vol 21 No 1, 2009
- J. Drane, Theological Book Review
The expressed hope of the editors is that the volume “will contribute to the wider debates of feminist theology and ecclesiology” (p. 17). This is a collection rich in theological, historical and social insight, offering a number of perspectives into the challenges facing the ordained ministry of women, and also the challenges presented by it, as Rachele Vernon’s Caribbean perspective suggests: “The admission of women to the threefold order of ministry does far more than change the face of Anglican priesthood. It profoundly alters the entire anatomy of ministry’ (p. 223). The volume more than lives up to the editors’ hope, and it deserves to be read and engaged with more widely than its expensive, hardback publication will perhaps allow.
- Reverend Dr. Hannah Cleugh, Diocese of Oxford, UK, Equinox Online
This is a collection rich in theological, historical and social insight, offering a number of perspectives into the challenges facing the ordained ministry of women, and also the challenges presented by it... The volume more than lives up to the editors’ hope, and it deserves to be read and engaged with more widely.
- Revd Dr Hannah Cleugh, Diocese of Oxford, Theology and Sexuality