This is exactly what I want in a book of theology: a humble teacher, a good writer who reads (bonus points for frequent references to Lewis and Tolkien!), and a winsome love of Scripture. When I was a kid and became a Christian, I believed that I was saved, but I didn’t know what I was saved for. Jim’s book, like a companion to N. T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope, is a rousing reminder of how good the Good News is.
- Andrew Peterson, singer/songwriter, author and founder of The Rabbit Room
Profound, wise, insightful, inspiring. Jim (or James) Paul gives us a fresh and readable take on the great story-line of the Bible. Read this book and discover how we can start to experience the reality of heaven in the here and now. A fresh restatement of the deeply influential and compelling vision of L'Abri.
- Professor John Wyatt, neonatal paediatrician and author of 'Matters of Life and Death'
On the face of it, Jim Paul might have been expected to share the view common to so many western contemporaries: the material world is the totality of existence, death is a brutal end, the afterlife is a deluded pipe-dream. As a trained medical doctor, he was fully immersed in modern scientific methods and ended up as an palliative care specialist in a hospice. But this would reveal both a lack of knowledge of Jim and, more significantly, a lack of deep engagement with the wonder of Christ. This book is a rich treasure, probing hope for our future that is grounded on the great truths of what God has already done. But most importantly of all, far from being an escape into fantasy, this exploration of the wonders of heaven is truly a journey into reality.
- Mark Meynell, Director (Europe & Caribbean), Langham Preaching, Langham Partnership
Jim Paul is a has provided us a great service in What On Earth is Heaven. The idea of heaven as a fluffy place in the sky or home for the morally good has been so engrained in popular culture it can be hard to picture exactly what heaven is like. Paul cuts through the myths and offers a clear, biblical view of heaven as a dimension of reality – where God’s will is done. Somewhere we can imagine for the future yet experience in the here and now. Paul is a steady hand and winsome guide. A must for all who long for the new creation and long to see it leak into our everyday lives.
- Alastair Gordon, artist and director Morphe¯ Arts