[<i>What to Believe</i>] leaves the reader with a sense of hope in an impossibly dark long-term future. The book is warmly recommended — not only for the argument that it puts forward, but also in the hope <br />that this might prompt an intellectually rigorous alternative vision.
Church Times
John Caputo is one of the foremost postmodern philosophers of our time. In this brilliant book, he offers a provocative new way to think about God and an invitation to awaken to a new reality: we are entangled with God. Playful, witty, and radically profound, this is a book to return to over and over.
- Ilia Delio, author of <i>The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Teilhard de Chardin, and the Relational Whole</i>,
Here is a book that countless people who have given up on the God of their childhood will relish. Tired of living in the shallow end of the theological pool, Jack Caputo invites us all to push out into the deep waters of radical theology without letting us sink. What you are about to read is God-years ahead of its time.
- Rev. Robin R. Meyers, author of <i>Saving God from Religion: A Minister’s Search for Faith in a Skeptical World</i>,
An evocative, accessible, good-humored guide to living (and moving, and being) after the death of God.
- Mary-Jane Rubenstein, author of <i>Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race</i>,