"[T]his collection of essays in an invaluable addition to New Testament studies that should stimulate much discussion. It raises key issues relating to the violent language of the new Testament and, one hopes, will fuel much research in this vital area and facilitate a mutual consideration of the New Testament from the perspectives of Jewish and Christian scholars alike."- Mark Bredin, The Society of Biblical Literature, January 2006
Review ~ International Review of Biblical Studies, vol 51, 2004/05
-Mention. Theology Digest/ Vol. 52 No. 3/ Fall 2005
- Theology Digest,
"At a time of growing concerns about religion and violence many Christians have exempted their tradition from much-needed scrutiny. The distinguished contributors to Violence in the New Testament remind us that violent themes and expectations lie at the heart of the New Testament and need to be understood and challenged." -Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer
Blurb from reviewer
"Violence in the New Testament addresses a topic of enormous importance--far too often ignored -- in New Testament studies." -Elaine Pagels, Princeton University
Blurb from reviewer
"Derived from lectures given to the Society for Biblical Literature, these essays delve into violent language and depictions of violence among Jews in the New Testament. Contributors challenge the basic assumption that the New Testament is solely a work of love, mercy, and peace. Content is analytical and theoretical, with endnotes for further detailed research. The scholarly style, a very usable index, and references make this collection of essays helpful to those seeking new perspectives about the causes and motivations for the violence that appears in the New Testament." - Church and Synagogue Library Assocation, Nov/Dec 2005
Church and Synagogue Libraries
"The collection includes a splendid essay by Richard Horsley. "By the finger of God: Jesus and Imperial Violence" offers an excellent overview of his innovative research, sustained by suggestive exegesis, which locates Jesus's message as a challenge to a world shaped and scarred by imperial violence, where terror is an instrument of policy." Church Times, March 2006
- Philip Lewis, Bradford University, Church Times
'Collectively...the essays function powerfully to call into question the notion of Jewish violence directed against the early Jewish followers and, as such, this collection is to be commended.' ~ Lloyd K. Pietersen, Vol 28.5, 2006
- Lloyd K. Pietersen, Journal for the Study of the New Testament
"...a rigorous reassessment of how best to interpret the use of violence in these texts.... The goal is to help modern-day believers correctly understand the mention of violence in the New Testament as not supporting the ‘Jew as violator' vs. ‘Christian as violated' theological dichotomy that may have given rise historically to much anti-Semitism." -Library Journal, 5/1/05
Library Journal
Theologische Literaturzeitung