A valuable contribution to the re-evaluation of Stanley Grenz's work and a worthwhile read for those reflective ministers wanting to think about how Trinitarian theology interacts with the world, ministry and mission.
- Neil Brighton, Poynton Baptist Church, Regent's Reviews
Jason S. Sexton's patient attention to the Trinitarian theology of Stanley Grenz offers many rewards. It should be read with special interest by those who have labeled Grenz "post-evangelical", by those who think that evangelicals in general have neglected the Trinity, but most importantly by all those who recognize Trinitarian theology as foundational for the whole of Christian theology.
Mark A. Noll, University of Notre Dame, USA
This stands out as a clear and comprehensive study. Sexton illuminates the strengths and continuing contribution of Grenz's theology by attending closely to its development and drawing perceptively on unpublished material.
Jonathan R. Wilson, Carey Theological College, Canada
All those interested in the thought of Stanley J. Grenz and its significance for Christian witness will profit from reading this carefully researched volume.
John R. Franke, Yellowstone Theological Institute, USA