“In Tayloring Reformed Epistemology, Baker offers a carefully argued, nuanced epistemology of religious belief, linking the best reformed epistemology with Charles Taylor’s historical and phenomenological case for theism. This is a refreshing, original contribution to the literature on theism and naturalism, the relationship of theism and morality, and the philosophical assessment of religious belief. While Baker develops detailed, critical analyses of the current epistemological debates, he never loses sight of the big picture, thus providing an excellent resource for those looking for a reliable introduction to the major recent arguments in the field.” Charles Taliaferro, Professor of Philosophy, St. Olaf College
[This] is an exemplary work of creative collaboration. Transgressing traditional divides between Continental and Analytic philosophy and Reformed and Catholic traditions, Baker places previously segregated schools of thought in conversation with one another, resulting in a remarkably original and compelling contribution to Christian philosophy.
- Johnny Walker,
While still maintaining scholarly rigor and depth, Baker relays his case with clear, illuminating prose, devoid of unneccessary philosophical parlance. Thus, his book is suited to a wide audience, commending itself to students and scholars alike.
- Johnny WAlker,