<p> "Ray Ortlund in his exposition of Romans 8 has succeeded in weaving together both truth and application, both theology and the realities of everyday life."</p>
- Thomas R. Schreiner (James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky),
<p>"Dr. Ortlund mines the depths of this chapter, but what he produces is a book of such practical and spiritual riches as we seldom read today."</p>
- Eric Alexander (Conference speaker and formerly minister St George's Tron, Glasgow for 20 years),
<p>On the front cover, Eric Alexander tells us that this is a good book. On the back cover, he is joined by five other authorities, who tell us the same. And they are all correct - the book is to be whole-heartedly recommended.</p>
- Evangelical Times,
<p>Here exegetical skill is employed with the practical day-to-day life of the believer always in plain focus. I heartily commend this valuable work to both pastors and lay people alike.</p>
- John Armstrong (Director of Renew and formerly a Pastor for twenty years),
<p>"The overwhelming impact of this study is to fill us again with wonder at the greatness of God and the greatness of the salvation he gives to all who come to him through Christ."</p>
- Mark Johnston (Minister, Bethel Presbyterian Church, Cardiff, Wales),
<p>"rarely will one find a pastor as keenly informed on the biblical languages, historic theology, current issues, as thoroughly committed to a ministry of the Word in proclamation and print, and as lovingly sensitive to the souls of his parishioners as is the author of this book." </p>
- Tom Nettles (Senior Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky),
<p>"Ray's confidence in the power of the Spirit-energized Word of God shows forth on every page of this wonderful, Christ-exalting study of Romans 8. Get it. Then let it get you!" </p>
- Sam Storms (President, Enjoying God Ministries),
<p>Read this book! </p>
- Jared C. Wilson (Director of Content Strategy for Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Managing Editor of For The Church, Midwestern's site for gospel-centered resources.),