"[Magee's] insights are powerful and important in the consideration of the marriage of religion and politics in America today...his writing is powerful due to the imagery it invokes in each word, like he painfully exorcises every syllable from some demonic labyrinth hidden deep in the bowels of the planet. Those bowels are always political in his eyes, when he concludes that, quoting Robert Bork, "There is an eager and growing market for depravity, and profitable industries [are] devoted to supplying it." America's Sleeping Giant is feeding from this depravity, and this collection of essays does an exceptional job of shining a light on some of the more hidden aspects in our culture today." - Popmatters.com
"What are the dangers of religion missing with politics in America? The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken: The New Politics of Religion in the United States is a collection of thoughts on the subject, running from the 2004 presidential race to 2008. The ideas found within offer much knowledge, ideas, and points out many ideas that one may have not have thought of before on the subject. An ideal anthology of essays to expand one's mind, The Sleeping Giant Has Awoeken is a must for anyone who would truly understand religion's place in politics." -The Midwest Book Review
"In sum, editors Robbins and Magee have turned both to trusted senior scholars and younger voices to produce a thought-provoking, rich, and critically responsive exploration of religion in American politics from diverse and sophisticated points of view. The integration of theory, history, and political analysis on a wide range of issues across an equally wide range of perspectives make this volume a valuable addition to the debate on religion's function and place in American life." - Aaron Klink, The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Fall 2008