As a fan of his music, as his friend, and as a brother in Christ, I'm proud of my buddy Zach Williams. If his songs have spoken to your heart the way they have mine, then I know his memoir Rescue Story is going to be a powerful and inspirational experience for you.
Chris Pratt, actor, producer
Failure is not final, and our faults don't define us. Zach Williams's new book is a deeply personal telling of his own creation, fall, redemption, and restoration, set to a story and song that will ignite an old church choir singing in your soul, hands raised, reminding you that God does not treat us according to our flawed performance but is forever committed to us because of His unfailing love, demonstrated by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Kirk Cameron
I need to be surrounded by people who are brave enough to be vulnerable. In these pages, Zach points to his Rescuer and not his own understanding. The humility in this book gives a proud reader like me full permission to need a savior.
Walker Hayes, multi-platinum recording artist
Zach Williams definitely has a story to tell. As hard as it was for him and those around him during his worst times, his words shine a light on hope and the realization that nothing and no one is ever lost in the eyes and the hands of God. God does work in strange and mysterious ways, and he performed a miracle by transforming Zach into who I believe he is meant to be now. Zach is a great talent and a great inspiration for millions, including me. This is a hard yet wonderful and inspiring book to read.
Dolly Parton