While some books peter out before they finish, this one keeps going to the end, and the third section offers some of the more rewarding pages in the book.
Church Times
In this solid guide, Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, offers advice on how to find common ground with adversaries. The author’s stories about working for the International Centre for Reconciliation illuminate how to put the principles into action, and readers will appreciate his pragmatic advice. This helpful program belongs on shelves next to Desmond Tutu’s No Future Without Forgiveness.
Publishers Weekly
There is something splendid and heroic about the Archbishop’s commitment to reconciliation.
Church of England Newspaper
A book written for our times. Welby's exploration of the moral imagination, bolstered by his exquisite intellect and engaging storytelling, validate his thesis that disagreeing well "is the very cornerstone of Christian faith".
The Tablet
… Archbishop Justin’s prose [is] approachable and perspicuous… An excellent tool to help us work towards [reconciliation].
Premier Christianity
A good read.
Church of England Newspaper