“Well-known author Frank Thielman succinctly unfolds the central plot of the whole Bible. He does not just retell the story; he explains it. And he does not merely explain it; he applies it so we can see the Bible’s point right now: ‘This is the great hope of the follower of Jesus in the midst of life’s many present difficulties.’ To grasp that hope, read this book! It is a delightful, deeply biblical, clear, and compelling narration and proclamation of God’s antidote to our world’s painfully visible breakdown. There’s a new world order taking shape. This book equips and invites the reader to join in right now.”—Robert W. Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary“Careful study of the Scriptures is vital for Christian growth, and study of small portions of text pays great dividends. But if we cannot put those smaller bits into the larger storyline of Scripture, we can miss the forest for the trees. Frank Thielman provides a well-written and accurate description of that forest, the big picture of what God is doing in redemptive history.”—Douglas J. Moo, Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College; Chair, Committee on Bible Translation (NIV); author, The Epistle to the Romans and An Introduction to the New Testament“In this concise study, Frank Thielman helpfully explains how the Bible is framed by two acts of divine creation that are intimately connected. Moving judiciously from Genesis to Revelation, he shows how God’s blueprint of salvation for a world gone awry centers on Jesus Christ, the servant-king, who establishes God’s new society of love, justice, kindness, and peace in anticipation of a glorious new creation. For anyone wishing to understand better the overarching story of God’s plan for the whole creation, this is an excellent introduction.”—T. Desmond Alexander, Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Union Theological College“A succinct and brilliant study of the interlacing tapestry of biblical theology. Frank Thielman is the kind of scholar we need more of—he writes with clarity and devotion and always brings us closer to Christ.”—Timothy George, Distinguished Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University; General Editor, Reformation Commentary on Scripture“Frank Thielman proves to be the ideal guide for a tour of the Bible. Taking new creation as an organizing theme, he directs attention to the critical junctures in the biblical story. Without getting bogged down in excessive detail, he uses his expert knowledge to spotlight the big structure that holds the Bible together. The result is a book that is as easy to read as it is illuminating. Readers will come away with a deeper love of God and a greater sense of gratitude for his salvation.”—Sigurd Grindheim, Professor, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences“Frank Thielman’s The New Creation and the Storyline of Scripture is a remarkable achievement. He has distilled the vast reservoir of information provided in the Bible on the subject to its essential elements, while packing his 120-page presentation with a remarkable amount of Scripture. This handy volume challenges Christ followers to live as transformed creations in this age and heightens our anticipation of life with God in the world to come.”—Daniel I. Block, Gunther H. Knoedler Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Wheaton College
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