Brian Doyle focuses on daily life experiences, allowing familiar stories and ordinary encounters to emerge as genuinely humorous and sad, noble and emotionally rewarding! The poems tug the heart both through story and the simplicity of superb writing. The Kind of Brave You Wanted to Be is fresh and thoroughly engaging. An entrancing poetry fest!Bishop Sylvester Ryan, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Monterey
Brian Doyle is a genius at unveiling the sacramentality of popsicles, rebounds, cedar needles, four year olds, the snap of a baseball bat, scuffling in leaves, owl feathers, attentive doctors, a pint, the chinook, old confessionals, storytelling cops, ratty jerseys. He helps us appreciate the sheer grace and blessing of our own momentous minutiae.Kathy Coffey, Author of When the Saints Came Marching In: Exploring the Frontiers of Grace in America