<p>"His gripping narrative has convinced me that this country which has had more than its fair share of tragedy is not a land bereft of hope"</p>
- Jonathan Miller (Channel 4 News, Formerly BBC Indo-China Correspondent),
<p>"This heart wrenching, heart-warming narrative prompts tears, prayers, praises and hopes in turn. It is a long time since I read anything so poignant"</p>
- J. I. Packer ((1926 – 2020) Well known author & Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada),
<p>"As I read this, I paused every few minutes and sobbed in anger. Amid this great tragedy, the extraordinary power of faith, hope, and love manifests itself in the lives of a few ordinary Christians. They are my heroes. How I wish all Khmer Rouge leaders would read this book, weep in repentance, and find forgiveness in the Lord Jesus Christ."</p>
- Dr Sorpong Peou, (A survivor of Killing Fields),
<p>"This book stunned me...such heroism such uncompromising faithfulness"</p>
- Elisabeth Elliot,
<p>"This book is a tremendously worthwhile voyage of discovery. It is emotional, even traumatic, yet inspiring and surprising, as one sees both human suffering and capacity for evil alongside tremendous courage, faithfulness and hope. It will make you think. And it is a timely reminder that the version of world events we first hear - the one reported in the media - is often not the full story. What God is doing, in growing his kingdom, is much more hidden and yet all the more glorious."</p>
- Evangelicals Now,