"This annotated version of their New Testament forces Christian readers to rethink some of their perceptions about New Testament texts, together with their presuppositions and prejudices. All those who teach the New Testament and who preach from its pages would do well to ponder Amy-Jill Levine's survey, Bearing False Witness: Common Errors Made about Early Judaism." -- Christoph Stenschke, Neotestamentica
"Any reader who wishes to study the text of the New Testament from a scholarly perspective will find plenty of engaging, illuminating readings guaranteed to make it worth their while Highly recommended."--Jenny Webb, Association for Mormon Letters
Praise for the first edition:
"A magnificent achievement... The Jewish Annotated New Testament is a marvelously bounteous compilation."
-- Commonweal
"An admirable piece of scholarship... Much contemporary writing on Scripture is faddish or tendentious. This book is a disciplined work of clarification and illumination." -- Marilynne Robinson, Wall Street Journal
"To see the fruits of the ongoing interchange between Jewish and Christian biblical scholars, one need look no further than this volume...this volume shows how the deepening knowledge of late antique Judaism enriches one's view of the New Testament."--CHOICE
"A vivid and thick description of issues, practices, ideas, and events of the Second Temple period, with the Gospels in particular looking more and more like extensions of Jewish life and textuality. The result is a bridge of connection between the cultures, almost to the point of losing sight of the chasms of (mis)understanding that have divided them for centuries." --Common Knowledge
"This unique groundbreaking reference book fills a needed void...A must purchase for any school, synagogue, or university library."--Association of Jewish Libraries
"This new commentary on the New Testament certainly adds an important voice to modern NT commentary and is essential reading not only for biblical scholars but seminarians and preachers."--Catholic Books Review
"A monument to past achievements in New Testament scholarship and a beacon for future study...The Annotated Jewish New Testament should be either a primary text or required accompanying work in every seminary and upper-division course in New Testament and should leave its mark on all preaching."--America
"This comprehensive volume provides a more critical and in-depth look at the Jewish context of the NT for both scholars and laypeople."--Religious Studies Review
"The Jewish Annotated New Testament makes a wonderful contribution to Jewish appreciation of the New Testament, on the one hand, and Christian appreciation of the Jewish dimension of New Testament literature, Jesus, and his disciples, on the other...We owe [the editors and their many contributors] our thanks for putting together such a useful and positive contribution to New Testament interpretation and to much better, more accurate, and fairer Jewish
and Christian understanding. I recommend this book enthusiastically and without reservation."--Craig A. Evans, Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting
"An historic volume of extraordinary scholarship that can transform Christian-Jewish relations. . . . A must-read for both clergy and laity. . . . A significant achievement."--Rabbi A. James Rudin, Senior Interreligious Advisor, The American Jewish Committee
"This exciting collection by leading Jewish scholars not only annotates the New Testament but also brings out its themes, context, and interpretation over the centuries. Essential for libraries of scholars in Christian-Jewish studies, academic institutions offering degrees in theology, and dialogue groups at all levels."--Dr. Eugene J. Fisher, Distinguished Professor of Catholic-Jewish Studies, Saint Leo University; Former Associate Director, Secretariat for
Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
"One volume must find its way to seminarians, preachers, and other students of Scripture: The Jewish Annotated New Testament. With insightful essays and page-by-page notes and sidebars on each book, this volume fills a huge gap in the world of biblical interpretation, providing an accessible guide to how this most Jewish document from antiquity is understood by Jewish scholars today."--The Rev. William Brosend, School of Theology, Sewanee, TN and
Executive Director, Episcopal Preaching Foundation
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