Bringing together theologians, historians, anthropologists, and practitioners from around the
world, this collection illustrates the intellectual vibrancy that exists within this field, a vibrancy Joel
Carpenter was instrumental in encouraging. With this volume, Adogame and Arrington have given
us a great resource for the diverse approaches that comprise the study of World Christianity. Every
scholar, student, and teacher interested in World Christianity will find something in this book to spur
their knowledge forward.
Brian Howell, Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology, Sociology and Urban Studies, Wheaton College, USA
These essays are a fitting tribute to Joel Carpenter, the well-known facilitator and collaborator of the
study of World Christianity as an academic discipline in and outside of the USA. His perception of
God’s work in the world, his administrative abilities, his financial acumen, his intellectual honesty,
and winning personality strengthen senior and younger scholars of World Christianity. Following his
precepts, the essayists explore vital expressions of World Christianity in their living contexts.
The Reverend Canon Professor Daniel Jeyaraj, Emeritus Professor of World Christianity, Liverpool Hope University, UK