"Not only scholars but also students and clergy will benefit from reading Margaret Barker's fascinating book." --Bernhard Lang
"This book will surely fascinate and convince many readers." --Robert Murray SJ
‘This is a scholarly work written for those who have either a professional interest in the development of early Christian liturgy or are serious non-professionals. As far as the latter are concerned, they will need to apply themselves to the text with great diligence as a considerable amount of information is conveyed on every page and much of it will probably be new. But diligence will have its reward.'
- thegoodbookstall.org.uk,
'...fascinating to read some Bible study done by the Methodist scholar Margaret Barker, developed in The Great High Priest: The Temple Roots of the Christian Liturgy...Without accepting everything Dr Barker says (for she is celebrated as a maverick), it is enlightening to look at the Eucharist in relation to the Jewish Day of Atonement, rather than to the Passover as usual.
- Christopher Howse, Daily Telegraph, The