In this book we find Oliver Crisp doing just what we have come to expect from his prodigious body of work: demonstrating with astonishing clarity, care, and creativity the depth and subtlety of resources that the Reformed tradition affords for our thinking about the doctrinal loci central to Christian confession.
- Sameer Yadav, Westmont College, USA,
In this erudite collection of studies, Oliver Crisp presents a series of further explorations into the substance of Reformed theology. With characteristic acuity and insight, he considers questions of signal and perennial importance in Christian doctrine, and advances creative responses that inform, challenge, and stimulate. This is compelling work, and comes warmly recommended.
- Paul T Nimmo, University of Aberdeen, UK,
This is Oliver Crisp at his best. Exploring important theological matters with characteristic precision, Crisp invites us to grapple with these issues through inviting prose and careful analysis. Alongside the impressive range of topics engaged by Crisp is the extraordinary range of conversation partners he includes. Each essay in this volume, and the constructive proposal contained therein, deserves careful consideration.
- Kristen Deede Johnson, Western Theological Seminary, USA,
In these essays, Oliver Crisp moves several steps deeper into the soteriological core of Christian doctrine. Always taking his bearings from the doctrines of God and Christ, he engages in free discussion with a wide range of classic and contemporary theological positions, clarifying not only his own views but those of his dialogue partners.
- Fred Sanders, Biola University, USA,