"...the ten essays represent a wide range of viewpoints, from ‘liberal' and ‘nontraditional' to more conservative and evangelical perspectives." -RBL (Society of Biblical Literature), 2/05
"The feminist perspective on Paul has been underrepresented in publications that can be readily accessed as exegetical resources for theological students. This volume responds to that need.... It provides a sampling of feminist approaches to New Testament texts. It exemplifies, on the whole, very careful work with primary texts that extend beyond those of the New Testament canon." - Review of Biblical Literature, 4/05
Review of Biblical Literature
"The feminist perspective on Paul has been underrepresented in publications that can be readily accessed as exegetical resources for theological students. This volume responds to that need.... It provides a sampling of feminist approaches to New Testament texts. It exemplifies, on the whole, very careful work with primary texts that extend beyond those of the New Testament canon." - Review of Biblical Literature, 4/05
Review of Biblical Literature