[This book is] welcomed as another fresh signal that the subject matter of biblical ethics is enjoying a fresh comeback. It is hoped that these essays will spark many others to join the conversation.
- Review of Biblical Literature,
This is a very thought provoking set of essays which... will encourage readers to think more openly about means by which God is characterized in relation to the people of the ancient near East and their acceptance of religious belief and lifestyle.
- Reviews in Religion & Theology,
Mentioned in Hebrew Studies, Volume LII.
‘This volume, rich in its diversity, attests to the lively energy that is now present in critical exegetical wok that refuses all of the old ‘assured results.' ‘—Review of Biblical Literature
This volume is interested in what the Old Testament and beyond (Dead Sea Scrolls and Targum) has to say about ethical behaviour through its characters, through its varying portrayals of God and humanity in mutual dialogue, and through its authors.
J.C.G., Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 2014, Issue 126