This collection of essays from prominent North American and European scholars offers a much-needed critical discussion of Luke’s use of the Elijah-Elisha narrative (1 Kings 16:29–2 Kings 13) … Because it includes a diverse collection of scholarly reflections on the extent of Luke’s use of the Elijah-Elisha narrative, this volume both offers well-reasoned points and counterpoints within which future studies can situate themselves and also suggests potential avenues for fruitful investigation
- Michael Kochenash, Claremont School of Theology, Religious Studies Review
This collection examines the allusions to the Elijah- Elisha narrative in the gospel of Luke. The volume presents the case for a “maximalist” view, which holds that the Elijah-Elisha narrative had a dominant role in the composition of Luke 7 and 9, put forward by Thomas L. Brodie and John Shelton, with critical responses to this thesis by Robert Derrenbacker, Alex Damm, F. Gerald Downing, David Peabody, Dennis MacDonald and Joseph Verheyden.
Taken together the contributions to this volume provide fascinating insights into the composition of the gospel of Luke, and the editorial processes involved in its creation. Contributions cover different approaches to the text, including issues of intertextuality and rhetorical-critical examinations. The distinguished contributors and fast-paced debate make this book an indispensable addition to any theological library.
Introduction - John S Kloppenborg, University of Toronto, Canada
Luke's Use of the Elijah-Elisha Narrative - Thomas L. Brodie, Dominican Biblical Institute, Limerick, Ireland
A Response to Thomas Brodie, 'Luke's Use of the Elijah-Elisha Narrative' - Robert A. Derrenbacker, Thorneloe University, Canada
A Response to Thomas Brodie's Proto-Luke as the Earliest Form of the Gospel - David Barrett Peabody, Nebraska Wesleyan University, USA
The Healing of Naaman (2 Kgs 5:1-19) as a Central Component for the Healing of the Centurion's Slave (Luke 7:1-10) - John Shelton, Dominican Biblical Institute, Limerick, Ireland
A Rhetorical-Critical Assessment Luke's Use of the Elijah-Elisha Narrative - Alexander Damm, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Imitation and Emulation, Josephus and Luke: Plot and Psycholinguistics - F. Gerald Downing, University of Manchester, UK
Toward an Intertextual Commentary on Luke 7 - Dennis R. MacDonald, Claremont School of Theology, USA
Epilogue - Joseph Verheyden, Katholiek University Leuven, Belgium
Biographical note
John S. Kloppenborg is Professor of Religion at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is well-known for his ground-breaking work on the Sayings Gospel Q. His most recent publication is Excavating Q: The History and Setting of the Sayings Gospel. He is currently writing a commentary on James for the Hermeneia series.
Joseph Verheyden is Professor of New Testament Studies at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He has recently edited The Figure of Solomon in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Tradition: King, Sage and Architect (2013) and (with J.W. van Henten), Early Christian Ethics in Interaction with Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts (2013).