<i>The Crisis of Islamic Masculinities</i> shows how any notion of Muslim or Islamic masculinity is always constructed against a number of “others” – women, the West and God … This is an important work for those interested in gender relations in Muslim societies. I only wish that my students could read English because this work would help them to explore a broader range of gender constructions without the (fully justifiable) fear of being labelled un-Islamic.
- Julia Droebner, An-Najah National University, Times Higher Education
De Sondy makes an original and rich contribution to the burgeoning literature on Islamic masculinities while engaging productively with Muslim feminist thought.
- Kecia Ali, Associate Professor of Religion, Boston University, USA.,
The study of Muslim masculinities is in its infancy, and <i>The Crisis of Islamic Masculinities </i>easily<i> </i>succeeds<i> </i>in laying a secure foundation for this highly significant but neglected field - a major step forward.
- Ahmet T. Karamustafa, Professor of History, University of Maryland, USA.,
This book opens the way to rethinking what it means to be a man in the Islamic tradition, showing the intricate ways in which constructions of femininity and masculinity are intertwined. It is a must-read for those wishing to understand the Islamists' obsession with sexuality, their rejection of gender equality, and their invocation of religious dogma as the basis for gender rights.
- Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Centre for Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, SOAS, UK.,
This book might be of interest to scholars working on various areas including but not limited to gender, Islam, and feminism. In summary, it is a useful book for the library.
- Nazli Alimen, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography