“Don’t tell me your values, show me your budget! A great line in this book! To be credible in its social teaching, the church must apply it to itself. This book is an important milestone in this endeavor. The faithful have every right to expect that their donations are spent wisely, according to best business practices, and in the spirit of Catholic social teaching.”<br /><b>Msgr. Martin Schlag, Moss endowed Chair for Catholic Social Thought, University of St. Thomas</b>
"<i>Counting The Cost </i>is a source of great inspiration and practical ideas for everyone looking to lead their company or organization to create value through values. One often hears that Catholic Social Teaching is the church's best kept secret. I believe that with this book, Sedmak and Reagan Hickey have created a very readable and actionable book to change that."<br /><b>Andreas Widmer, The Catholic University of America</b><br />
"Readers will find significant thought-provoking material that can stoke positive and useful conversations about the relationship of faith and finance especially in Catholic institutions."<br /><b><i>Catholic Books Review</i></b>
“This book provides both theoretical frameworks and practical insights into financial decision-making as a moral process, supported by concrete examples from survey respondents. It creatively applies Catholic Social Teaching and would make a fitting gift for incoming CEOs of church organizations or bishops.”<br /><b>Catholic Media Association Book Awards</b>
"It should be in the hands of everyone involved in making financial decisions for Catholic institutions, and it will hopefully inspire those readers to 'enlarge the tent' in terms of which stakeholders are included in those decisions. I have already ordered a copy for my university’s chief financial officer."<br /><b><i>Theological Studies</i></b><br />
Biographical note
Clemens Sedmak is a professor of theology and Catholic social tradition advisor in the Institute for Social Concerns at the University of Notre Dame. He is also a concurrent professor of social ethics and interim director of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies at the Keough School of Global Affairs.
Kelli Reagan Hickey is a writer and student of Catholic Social Tradition. She serves as the director of formation for the Francesco Collaborative, a team inspired by the Economy of Francesco Movement and the emerging solidarity economy. She holds a degree in economics from Yale University and completed her graduate studies at the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business.