Well conceived and well executed, this volume will be required reading for anyone concerned about the history of CPR or invested in contributing to its future. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty.
Continental Philosophy has led thinkers within the Catholic intellectual tradition to move beyond the confines of ontotheological thinking. Like a child, servant, slave, or someone who hears, being called by the Spirit, it has been engaged in enlarging its own horizons. Bearing witness to God from otherness and difference, and starting off from decentred, relational anthropologies, these endeavours have prompted inspiring dialogues for both philosophers and theologians alike!
Lieven Boeve, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Well organized ... interesting collection.
Biographical note
Colby Dickinson is Associate Professor of Theology at Loyola University Chicago, USA.
Hugh Miller is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University Chicago, USA.
Kathleen McNutt is a PhD candidate at Loyola University Chicago, USA